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Seam Allowance tool will not apply Dart Cap


  • US Designer Support

    Hi forgetmenotpatterns

    Currently you can only add a dart cap to the seam allowance if both dart legs are even. But this is a feature request that we hope to add to a future release soon :) 


  • forgetmenotpatterns

    Hi US Designer Support, both my dart legs are even. You can see it in the image I posted. Mine are accurate to .01 of a centimetre (in this example, both legs are 12.61cm). So what else is causing the issue? Because it's not that!

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • US Designer Support

    Hi forgetmenotpatterns

    If they are the exact same length have you tried to delete the dart and then re add the dart? This may be the best option

    If that still does not work please reach out through our Contact Us page and attach the file for us to review directly. If you can also link this post or include everything above for our reference that would be great!

  • forgetmenotpatterns

    Hi US Designer Support

    I have tried deleting the dart and re-adding it through the dart creation tool. It still would not apply the seam allowance dart cap even on a freshly-created dart. I will reach out directly to you as you have advised.


  • fiercekittenz

    I am having the same issue. I've tried this on a new pattern project with a new dart in a simple rectangle as well. I still can't get this to work.

  • CLO Designers

    Hi fiercekittenz,

    If the above troubleshooting is not working, please also open a ticket as advised.

  • ce28864b4fa414912aa3

    Hi forgetmenotpatterns and fiercekittenz I was wondering if you ever found a solution to this as I'm experiencing the same issue?


  • hem3d

    Having the same issue here - I have a dart with identical dart legs and can't create the dart seam allowance. Anyone have a solve for this?

  • ce28864b4fa414912aa3

    CLO CLO Designers Please could you advise?

  • US Designer Support


    Thanks for your post. 

    new community forum has been launched. Since the current community forum has ended (only available for checking the archived posts), we recommend posting in the new community where external users or internal members will reply to your question.

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