Button materials go missing with OBJ export
Hi all, I'm running into a quit big problem. When I export a garment with buttons to obj the imported obj in 3ds max has its materials missing. The textures are there in the zip that I'm also saving.
I can manually reassign the materials and textures but that won't work since we are building a automated pipeline.
It has worked for us in past releases so I think that with the latest version of Clo, something went wrong.
Is there anybody out there that has the same experience as me? Just export a rectangular piece of cloth with a button that has a texture and it will fail.
Kind regards,
Wilbert van den Broek
If you are building an 'automated' pipeline, why not do like everyone else with a CG pipeline and just code in a node graph for handling buttons 'automatically' that way you are not reliant on going back to any software vendor and telling them your 'automated' pipeline 'broke' and that you want 'their' developers to repair something that your developers don't seem able to overcome - it's a tiny wee issue to overcome in any CG pipeline by the way. That way you then have your pipeline using a more robust process (aka - in house development and customization ) to automate your workflows (eg: data-file exchange) such that you never get 'stuck' with small issues like this in future. If things 'break' in CG between developments (often) then it's quite normal to overcome them using simple 'automated' procedural node graphs to work around any small wee issues.
Some suggestions to help future proof your 'automated pipeline':
Recognize things will 'break' between upgrades and technology advancing (eg: updates of PBR based materials across CLO3D in version 6.0 verse non in version 5.0, - hence a big change)
That library integrations of assets in CLO3D and your 'automated' production library is maybe more about strategic intent in how you to want to retain the integrity of that asset pool independent of any one or many external vendors across time and into the future at low cost. Aka ~ that your asset library is bullet proof and easily (automated via batch processing) update-able via parallel servers processing them. eg: I have 5.7 million CG clothing assets in MD /CLO3D and you do not handle that asset stream or asset pool using people nor ignore coded batch tools for rapid translation such that the entire 5.7 million assets can be updated overnight. Which immediately forces you into a strategic management look at 'how' to manage digital assets in fashion pipeline. (there are actually external services that will do this for a fee if you or your team get stuck on this - but it is perhaps prudent to take this task onboard as a company and do it yourself > eg: coding).
Recognize your digital asset library is your only management task to independently manage, and to explore simple options and technologies that allow that to be leveraged if you want to really scale out and upwards. Without that central to what you do, you are then simply 'stuck' or un-scale-able or worse having to go back to a vendor and ask them to change something on their time frame. Which is a CG business (no-no) because you are now limited in how rapid you can adapt your plans relative to if /when an external vendor decides to pick up your problem. Which opens you and your business to fire-fighting at almost every small technical hurdle - don't do that, take control of your pipeline. Own the problem outright and overcome it technically using inhouse CG knowhow - because you have built that strategic focus.
Hope that helps you.
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Wow thanks for that extensive reply Ottoline. You are absolutely right and gaining full control over our pipeline is something we are aiming for. However we are in a real early stage of testing and I don't have the programming recourses at the moment to fix every bug I encounter. The button issue is something that has always worked an suddenly it was broken. I figured it had something to do with Clo updates and after rolling back to the previous version the problem was solved.
For now we can continue building our tool, but eventually we will expand it in such a way that these kind of dependencies are gone.
Thanks again for the fast reply, I really appreciate it.
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Hi, So anyone fix this? Every time I export my buttons turn to a material in my fabric panel. This is Iclone. I'm fairly new to it, This is kind of a big problem for me at the moment. Really need to fix the buttons.
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The button doesn't appear to have a UV map as it's just a material (metal) shader. And is picking up the only other shader in your export the fabric that has a UV map. You need to assign (or export) a metal shader for the button or assign one in your iclone model. A one minute problem to do in your modelling app.
When you export from CLO3D > export with base materials or bake the button material to the UDIM or simply change (edit the material in iclone). 3 options.
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Oh I didn't realize you could bake the button material the the UDIM. Do you have any resources about how to do this? It seems like that would be the easiest option.
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Ok, I cannot figure this out. In Iclone, I don't have a material slot that I can add a map to for the buttons. Help?
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Let me clarify, It appears my buttons share the same texture as a fabric, therefore, when I try to add the maps manually, I cannot without it effecting the cloth material. How can I make sure the button exports with it's own material?
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Hi krant. Add a new Material (fabric) and assign that material to your buttons. This way the button should now be separate from the garment