clo 7.1 new zipper - zipper teeth do not export - export issue
hi clo friends,
i'm so glad the zippers are improved in the new clo 7.1.
+ i know you can export the teeth as either OBJ or texture,
BUT the zipper teeth NEVER show up when exported e.g. in substance painter.
i've tried exporting as OBJ and FBX, but the nice crisp 3d teeth we see in clo never show up in substance painter.
UVS are neatly organised.
any reason why not / ideas how to get the teeth to show?
file included here below... any help appreciated!
clo file + obj/fbx:
no zipper geometry in the OBJ, in preview, or substance painter
I'm having the same problem. Can anybody help?
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For now, it is only possible to use the zipper in CLO. Because when you select the zipper to export as OBJ, you're actually selecting only the tape and not the teeth (which is why you could only see the tape in third party software).
A workaround is to use a texture and add it to your zipper to give the illusion of zipper teeth.
You can also find OBJ files of one zipper tooth and work with them. They are located in your CLO default assets folder (CLO > Assets > Materials > Hardware and Trims > Zipper > Tape).0 -
thanks for the response Clo!
is there any chance this feature to export with the 3D teeth can be incorporate into a Clo software update?
one thing i love about clo is the many different creative ways people use it, and it's a feature i would love to see.
its currently a bit of a hassle/time consuming to have to rebuild zipper teeth components in a 3d software, when everything was neatly done in clo :)
it's also one feature i've most wanted since getting clo (there are many people across reddit/forums who wish for this zipper function export too)
thanks and all the best!
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We are so happy to hear that you are enjoying the new feature. We are always looking to expand future versions of CLO and your request has been noted.