Bias cut
Hello dear Clo Users,
does somebody know if it is possible to simulate with bias cut?
For example for certain cuts such as tight-fitting skirts that become wide at the bottom (possible through diagonal grain direction, which makes the fabric wrap around the body).
I thought it might be possible by adjusting the physical properties (Details), however my problem is that I don't know exactly what feature i should adjust and at which value.
I would be very grateful for suggestions.
Best Regards
Hi oganesya
Yes, you can simulate bias in clo. It can be done two ways.
1) Select the pattern piece you want to change to Bias in either 2D or 3D. Then go to the Property Editor and scroll down to Fabric > Grain Direction > input the angle you wish to change it to. (most likely 45)
2) Start with the Edit Texture Tool (both 2D or 3D will work). Select the pattern piece you want to change to Bias in either 2D or 3D. The grain line arrow will appear and you can manually rotate the arrow at the top or bottom
Hope this helps!