Shoe issue
I am importing a figure from daz. The figures shoes have been rigged to fit and tested for animation in daz. However I import the form to clo and the shoes are either resetting shoe positions after adjusting fit in daz or they are not connected to the bone rig. The figure is on a zero position for x, y, z, as well as the shoes. They behave fine in da but not in clo. This usually doesn't occur. Could there be an import issue? I am doing both the redirect and auto follow for their program, but keeps failing on the clo end.
Is the shoe coming in vertical? If so follow the below two suggestions. Hopefully this will help!
- When exporting the shoes from Clo you MUST select cm (DAZ Studio) for scale
- When exporting from Blender make sure to Uncheck Apply Unit, but Check Use Space Transform (otherwise the shoes will come in vertical)