Register the Avatar's Hair/Shoes as an accessory file(ZACS).
Main menu ▶ Avatar ▶ Register Hair/Shoes
When making OBJ in other 3D programs(Maya, 3ds Max, etc.), please follow the requirements below.
Set the work environment of the 3D program. (Axis: Y-Up, Unit: Millimeter)
Create a hair/shoes OBJ according to the avatar file.
Avatar Prepare an avatar suitable for the hair/shoes to be registered.
CLO's default avatar or user avatar can be used.
Mesh For the sharp angular expression, add an edge to the mesh to be reliably simulated in the CLO.
Dummy Mesh For complex areas (shoelaces, heels, etc.) where the faces come into contact, wrap in a transparent and flat dummy mesh.
Make the spacing between dummy meshes smaller and more consistent than shoe meshes.
Meah Name
Hair hair Shoes (shoes_r, shoes_l)
Materials Apply separately various materials(leather, metal, plastic, etc.)
Even if the heel is the same material, it must be applied separately and the order must be at the bottom. -
Set the transform properties. (Translate/ Rotation: All axes 0, Scale: All axes 1)
- Export to FBX file.
- Open the avatar file for the hair/shoes to be registered.
※ Note: It is recommended to open additionally the hair/shoes file(FBX) to be registered and check that the position with the avatar is correct. -
Select the tool/menu indicated.
→ The Hair/Shoes registration window appears.
After setting the following options, click the Create button.
Menu Description Hair/Shoes Select the type of hair, shoes and glasses & earrings(ver 7.1). File Path (FBX) Select the path of the hair and shoe files to be registered. Thumbnail Add a thumbnail image to be displayed in the library window.
Set the file name and path.
→ It is saved as a hair/shoes file(ZACS).
- Make sure the mesh layer noted below has the correct nomenclature in Blender. The other names do not matter. Otherwise, you may encounter an error message that the name is wrong.
Hi, I would like to know how to name the mesh if I were to make the shoe obj in CLO itself. Is it the fabric's name? I keep getting error noti every time I try to import a fbx file as shoes as below:
Failed to make shoes file. No matching mesh name below:
I get an error message even though I have specified the mesh name.
Failed to load the ZACS file. Please create shoes file again after changing the mesh name of the 3D file to the one below.
What should I do after the file is created?
I need a more detailed manual.
Same here, I prepared my FBX file with mesh named hair and could create the hair in Clo 6.0.460 but once I want to use it I get the error message :
"Failed to load the ZACS file. Please create a hair file again after changing the mesh name of the 3D file to the one below.
Seems to be a defect, any update would be appreciate.
Hi, I keep getting the same error! how we should name the mesh I already exactly follow the above rules. Everytime I try import a fbx file as shoes always got same error window as below:
Failed to make shoes file. No matching mesh name below:
Is there any staff from CLO could ever answer a question here?
We are running in to the same issues here. This needs to be adressed, why isn't the clo team responding to these comments?
lol its look like nobody care)
same problem!
Here is a more detailed tutorial: https://styllle.com/how-to-add-shoes-to-clo-3d/
Fixed the mesh name problem! Sort of anyway.
I had labelled the mesh correctly but it didn't accept the mesh names until I copy and pasted the text from the error message into Maya as the mesh name.
@erinbennett Hi Can you please explain thoroughly how you managed to solve this error? I'd appreciate this a lot! Thanks in advance!
I am using a DAZ genesis with custom shoes in blender. I saved shoes this way with shoe_l and shoe_r. When I load the shoes for registering, it says avatr is not a match. Am I missing something in avatar labels?
I'm really sorry and I don't want to be rude.
Anyway there is still, apparently, a tricky bug with registering shoes.
I guess it's hard to reproduce, that said it exists...since a while!
As I was experiencing again the famous error message of bad naming while trying to register shoes.
I created very simple flat ones in Blender, following given direction and of course naming convention.
To verify my files have no name issues I imported the shoes as avatar.
And as you can see below the names are correct.
So there is a problem somewhere...
And for me it's a road blocker!
Thank you very much for the tutorial.
I have prepared my shoes in Blender with dummy and heel material applied, shoes_l & shoes_r mesh named. I tried several export settings to FBX, however, failed every time in CLO registration.
The error message returned: 'Failed to make the accessory file. The position doesn't match the avatar.'
I preassumed it is the settings of transformation, scale & unit while exporting the FBX file in Blender, any input on that?
Guys, how did you solve the problem with the message "Failed to load the ZACS file. Please create shoes file again after changing the mesh name of the 3D file to the one below..."? Can someone help me?
Hello clo3d team and the clo3d users.. i am trying to register hair in clo3d using blender but everytime it shows that the postion does not match the avatar.. if anyone is here to help? or anyone can tell me how to check if the postion is matching the avatar or not.. or if there is anty tutorial of the same using blender it would be a great help ..
Can anyone hlep for the same?
This registration are full of bugs, for examples, I try register same file for 10times, 1 of 10 will work out, i have not clue why this happening for same file, i was register a pair of shoes and did follow every step in tutorials and try millions times.