Create UV maps of Patterns, Buttons, Zippers and more to bake Normal, Roughness, Metalless, Alpha maps.
※Note: U is the horizontal axis and V is the vertical axis in the graph.
Main Menu ▶ Change the mode at the top-right corner ▶ UV EDITOR
- Click Pattern ▶ Drag to edit the UV position.
Or, place it using the right-click pop-up menu on patterns and backgrounds.
Object Description Pattern Align two or more patterns to the desired position or flip them horizontally/vertically.
BackgroundArrange with UV (0-1) Fit All UV to 0-1. Length (Absolute) Enter the actual distance value from the outline to offset the distance. UV Coordinate (Relative) Enter a value between 0-1 from the outline to offset the distance. Reset UV to 2D Arrangement Reset all UV to 2D Arrangements.
- UV Editor Window toolbar ▶ Click the UV Snapshot.
→ The UV Snapshot window appears. -
After setting the following options, click the Save.
Options Description Saving Path Specifies the storage path for UV Snapshot. Size (Pixels) Set the size of the image.
The image is saved as a square and if the Anti-alias Lines option is checked, anti-aliasing is applied to the wire segment.Edge Color Set the color of the wire segment. UV Area 0-1 (Default) Save the default 0-1 tile. Selected Tile Save 1 selected tile.
If users enter the UV coordinates to be saved, only one tile is saved.All Tiles Save all tiles.
- UV Editor Window toolbar ▶ Click Bake Textures.
→ Baking Textures pop-up menu appears. -
After setting the following options, click the Save.
Options Description Saving Path Specify the saving path and the format(PNG / JPEG / PDF (ver 6.1)) for baked textures. Size (Pixels) Set the size of the image. The image is saved as a square. UV Area 0-1 (Default) Save the default 0-1 tile. Selected Tile Save 1 selected tile.
If users enter the UV coordinates to be saved, only one tile is saved.All Tiles Save all tiles. Fill Texture Seams The Texture is filled in the seam line by the entered Pixels value. Infinite Seams
(ver 2024.1)Fill the seam line to the entire area outside of the pattern. Texture Type Select the type of texture to bake.
- UV Editor Toolbar ▶ Click the Move UV tool.
→ Move UV window appears.
Set the distance to be moved. Distance 1 indicates the length of the segment of the UV Tile in the UV Editor window.
- Move the UV by clicking the Arrow icon or pressing the directional keys on the keyboard.
→ UV is moved according to the distance you set.
UV Editor Toolbar ▶ Click the Auto UV Packing tool.
→ UV Packing window appears. (ver 2024.1) / (ver 7.3)
Option Description Option U V Padding Sets the spacing between UVs.
Values are applied in thousandths of the UV tile size. (0.001 ~ 0.999)
Fidelity Adjust UV accuracy from 1 to 5.
The higher the value, the more accurate the placement is as it is calculated in the original form, but the amount of calculation increases and it takes more time.
Fix Scale Ratio Fix the size ratio of UVs. Advanced Placement It is calculated in a more advanced way and is placed with optimal results with minimal empty space, but the larger the number of patterns, the more time it takes.
UV Area 0-1 (Default) Set to default 0-1 tile. Selected Tile Set by directly entering UV coordinates. -
Click the Apply button.
→ UVs are placed according to the set options..
- Upper left of the UV Editor window ▶ Click the View UV Map icon → Map icons that can be changed appear horizontally.
Click the desired map icon.
→ The UV of the 2D window changes to the type of map users click.
※Note: The UV map of the OBJ topstitch used in a garment is also provided. (ver 6.1)
Is there a way to export an obj or fbx with these baked textures applied to the model?
I'm struggling with the UV editor.
This morning I managed to export baked textures and it worked perfectly but now once I place png graphics onto pattern they won't show up in the UV editor, there's just a black square of the same size and I can't find where the problem is (tried different things on the graphic. Tiling options, z offset, roughness/normal/color maps... even restarted my pc just cos)
I went back on the file I worked on this morning to disappointingly find out that it wasn't working anymore for some mysterious reason.
Any ideas of why this happens?
In the section about auto packing there is no explanation about Padding and Packing ratio. Could you explain how these options work? and if they are related to each other when you use them.
Thank you.