Edit the color of different components in your scene: Fabrics, graphics, buttons, buttonholes, topstitches, puckering, avatars and avatar accessories, trims, zippers, imported files such as OBJs, etc.
For components listed in the Object Browser:
Object Browser ▶ Fabric/Graphic/Button/Buttonhole/Topstitch/Puckering/Trim Tab ▶ Item ▶ Color
All components in the scene can be selected via the Scene tab in the Object Browser, however, to access their traits in the Property Editor, it also suffices to select the following in the 3D Window: Avatars, shoes, hair, earrings, scene & props, zippers, imported components such as e.g. OBJs and FBXs, etc.
In the Color row, click on the color chip on the right.
Follow the indicated guideline above: The color window opens.
Refer to the table below:
Custom Palette
① Edit Color Click the color you want to use from the color field or enter color values. ② Eyedropper Select the color you want to use from an image, inside of the program, or anything else visible on your screen. ③ Add Color Add the selected color into the current Custom Palette. ④ Swatch Size Adjust the size of swatches. ⑤ Open/Save File Open or save color palette files. Compatible file formats for import: ACO, ASE, CCO, QTX. Note that you can only save color palettes in both the ACO and CCO file formats. (CCO is CLO-internal.) ⑥ Reset Reset your current Custom Palette. ⑦ Change the View Choose List, Detail, or Icon view to change the view. ⑧ Edit Color Swatch Rename Double-click the swatch to change the name. Reorder Click & drag and drop the swatch to change the order. Delete Click the swatch and remove it by hitting the Delete key on the keyboard. Palette Library
Other than the default palette, the Color Library provides the following color palettes:
- Coloro 3500
- Pantone: Color Bridge Coated V5, Color Bridge Coated V5, Color Bridge Uncoated V5, Pastels & Neons Coated, FHI Polyester TSX, CMYK Uncoated, CMYK Coated, Solid Coated-V5, FHI Cotton TCX 2801, Solid Uncoated-V5, Pastels & Neons Uncoated, f+h nylon brights TN, METALLICS Coated
- YKK Global Colors
⑨ Add Palette File Import palette files (ACO, ASE, CCO, QTX). ⑩ Search Color Search via color name or code. ⑪ Add Color to Custom Palette Add a color from the Palette Library to the Custom Palette.
※ Note: Instantly change the color of another object by selecting it while the color window is open (ver 7.1).