Automatically fit patterns to an avatar's size.
※ Note: Auto Fitting is supported with CLO avatars and any custom avatars that have a Fitting Suit applied.
※ Note: This feature was previously called Auto Grading (v 7.2 and below).
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Auto Fitting
2D Toolbar ▶ Auto Fitting
- Adjust the avatar size and drape 3D garments on the avatar.
※ Note: Please set Particle Distance as 20mm for the most optimized result. -
Follow the indicated path below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Auto Fitting
2D Toolbar ▶
Auto Fitting
→ The Auto Fitting window appears. -
Adjust the below options as needed and click OK.
Maintain Pattern Curvature(%) Configure the extent of modification of pattern curvature.
Higher the value is, less affected curvature while resizing the patterns. On the other hand, lower the value is, both curvature and size of the patterns are modified.Maintain Graphic Size ON Graphics maintain their size. OFF The size of graphics are adjusted based on the size changes of the patterns. → The 3D garment is auto-fitted and draped on the avatar.
My autograding doesn't work, though avatars for each size had been assigned. Happens nothing when i press button "autograding".
Auto grading works when I use the standard Clo avatars that come with the program. I edited the dimensions of the avatar to a custom size and now I cannot use the auto grade function. Is this because it is not the "standard" Clo avatar? How do I go about grading manually for this new avatar?
To clarify it says that, "It only works for a simulated garment." but my garment is simulated.
What are the steps for creating multiple sizes using auto grading? How do you save the sizes and go back to edit them later?
Hello, everyone, pattern grading sometimes can be complicated but "clo auto-grading" makes grading easier than it seam. I have created several videos about "auto-grading" (step-by-step) topics please see these links below and if you still have questions about auto-grading flow on Encoder Fashion youtube, hope this helps.
Hi, I'm a bit confused- what are these grey lines that show up when I do autograding? Is that the new, autograded pattern? If the grey lines represent the new pattern, how can I change the pattern from here? I can't seem to do anything with these grey lines (delete, move, etc)
I'm javing the same issue as above Thngswewear, auto grading shows in grey, and it seams I can never go back to previous size, and I cannot delete those grey line neither can I "regenerate" those auto-upgrade in case of a pattern modification?? is there a way to delete an "autoupgrade" pattern?