Adjust distance between Topstitches when a single Topstitch style has multiple stitch counts.
The Distance from Stitch is adjusted in inch, but it can also be adjusted in cm or mm with its child options.
Topstitch ▶ Select Topstitch Stype with Multiple Stitch Count ▶ Property Editor ▶ Number Tab ▶ Distance from Stitch 1,2...
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Topstitch ▶ Select Topstitch Stype with Multiple Stitch Count ▶ Property Editor ▶ Number Tab ▶ Distance from Stitch 1,2... - Use the drop-down menu next to the option to choose the desired number.
→ Distance between each Topstitch lines are adjusted accordingly. - Adjust Distance from Stitch for all Topstitches or configure to adjust their properties at once.