Select Patterns to move, transform and rotate.
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶ Transform Pattern
Select the tool indicated.
Click a pattern or hold down the Shift key to multi-select patterns.
→ The corresponding pattern is selected.
Or, click and drag on the 2D window to encompass all Patterns to be selected with a marquee box.
→ All Patterns inside the marquee box are selected.
※ Note: Right-click on the pattern ▶ Select All Sewn(Ctrl+Alt+A) menu, the pattern and the sewn pattern are automatically selected (ver 7.3)
Select the tool indicated.
Click and drag the Pattern to be moved or use the arrow keys on keyboard.
Hold down the Shift key or Ctrl key (Mac: command) while moving the Pattern.
→ The Pattern can be moved in precise vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines, or in its slope.
- Or, right click or hit F1 key (Mac: Ctrl) while moving the Pattern to type in distance moved.
Select the tool indicated.
Select the Pattern.
→ The pivot and scale guide appear. -
Double click the pivot point to activate and transform or rotate based on the pivot point, Click and drag a point or rotation point on the scale guide.
→ The Pattern is transformed and rotated based on the activated pivot.
※ Note:
- To select point or segment, use the Transform Point/Segment tool.