Edit Pattern Symbol's properties to meet your needs.
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Pattern Annotation ▶ Pattern Symbol/ Edit Annotation
2D Toolbar ▶ Pattern Symbol/
Edit Annotation
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Pattern Annotation ▶ Pattern Symbol/ Edit Annotation
2D Toolbar ▶Pattern Symbol/
Edit Annotation
- Click on the Pattern Symbol to be edited.
→ The selected Pattern Symbol's properties appear in the Property Editor. - Refer to the below table and configure each option as needed.
Option Description Name Change the name of the selected Pattern Symbol Line Type Select the desired line type for the Pattern Symbol Place on Fold 1 Place on Fold 2 Directional Line 1 Directional Line 2 Stretch Shrink Gather Cut Line Flip When the Flip option is toggled On, the Pattern Symbol is reflected to the other side based on the Internal Line.