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I get an error message saying, "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time" or "Delayed network connection." What can I do?


  • rehan123456

    I get an error message saying, "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time" or "Delayed network connection." What can I do?

  • iridali

    I get an error message saying, "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time".
    I am from Armenia. my network is ok...what can i do?

  • lv64

    Same as Irina.. Please help :)
    No known changes to network or hardware at my side.

  • mart1223

    Same problem...
    CLO worked fine yesterday.
    It's the same alert, can't use it now.

  • misch11

    same like Irina and Iv64
    I also get an error message saying, "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time".
    did no changes on my side as well

  • senkdesign11

    Same issue!!! Never had this before, must be smth wrong with Clo. Help?!

  • mart1223

    And the download page can't be used...
    Can't reinstall.

  • jojar83

    Same problem over here. Must be a
    Clo network problem I also did not make any changes to my settings.

  • zomas

    I have the same problem, hope they will fix it asap. Really need to work

  • sakuraku98

    Same here. It must be a server outage since all of you guys are commenting about it today as well.

  • kurtho

    I am experiencing the same thing. Please fix it asap thanks

  • aleixtf

    I have the same issue, and is driving me crazy! I can't fix it. but seen y'all messages above, probably is a bug or whatever.
    They don't have a chat or something quicker to talk???? 😭 is a software with a subscription! WTF. Better customer support please!!! 🤬

  • aleixtf

    I also tried to reinstall but Downloads it also does NOT work!

  • iridali

    It works!

  • aleixtf

    Yes!!! working! thanks!!

  • mart1223

    CLO can work now!

  • alhers

    Hey, same than everyone in here.

    Did anyway manage to solve it? if so, how did u do it? Trial month is running out and still not working... don't know what to do...

    CLO3D please give us solutions :(

  • alhers

    GUYS!!! I managed to solve it by just entering the firewall defender -> output device -> unlock the hosts of CLO3D 

    (At least for me it worked)

    Good luck



  • anastasia1007

    Same problem today. How to solve it on Windows?

  • zamex

    Same here. I'm also on Windows

  • zamex

    Still the same problem. It says "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time." when I try to log in. I'm in Finland so I don't know if the region is the issue.

    Also I use Windows

  • moto73

    Same problem trying to download the trial. Not a good start to the software it seems this problem has been going on for over a year and still no fix. think i will move on to a different software. 

  • cristielep

     Same problem here. It says "Due to a network issue, you are unable to login at this time." 

    I've already followed the instructions in this article and it still doesn't work. I've already asked support for help and I haven't been able to resolve it yet, and in the meantime the testing period is passing and I can't even test it.

  • helloember

    Yes, it is still a problem. No, it still has not been fixed.

  • haeuna

    same problem. does anyone know a fix?


  • jasminegreen31

    I am having the same issue and I an using MAC.

  • dayky35

    Anyone find a fix yet. just installed it yesterday
