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How can I create my own trims and hardware?


  • merle


    I would like to animate my clo avatar. The only thing that isn't moving with the avatar is the accessories(buckle) that I made by my self in CLO.

    -I saved it as an OBJ but it won't move with the avatar while she is walking. (it stays on the start point.)
    -the other way I tried was to unfreeze it. but then the accessories garment from the buckle will be draped again...

    Is there a way to make it work properly?

    I would be happy to get some feedback to resolve it!!


  • jeannette

    Same problem, puller doesn't move and I can't apply graphs on it.
    How to do new puller as a trim with a logo as graphism

  • ap3288

    Hi Erica,

    I made my own zipper puller in Maya but how exactly to create the zpl format that can use in CLO please?
