Set the Zipper Slider and Stopper properties.
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move
- Select the tool/menu indicated.
Select a Zipper or Stopper created on a 3D Garment and modify its properties:
Save the properties of the slider(ZSL), puller(ZPU), and stopper(ZST) as each file.
Name the zipper.
Set the zipper to be one-way or two-way. (ver 2024.0
※ Note: For two-way zippers, you can set the locking direction to either head-to-head or Bottom-to-Bottom. Changing the slider material will be applied identically to both sides.
Select a shape for the slider.
※ Note: When applying All-in-one preset for the Slider & Puller, the puller cannot be disabled and changed.Puller
Select a shape for the puller. Stopper
Select the Stopper type (Open / Closed End) and then select shapes for Top and Bottom. A selection of Bottom shapes is configured based on the shape of the Stopper.
Gauge Select the size of the Slider by Gauge(#) or percentage. Weight (g)
Assign the weight of the slider.
Fasten Zipper
Reverse Zip Direction
Select the zip direction. The slider is relocated based on the option.
Move to Opposite Side
Select a side of the zipper tape where the slider will locate when the zipper is open.
Set the Material Type and Texture of the selected object.(ver 7.1)
- Select All: If you select one of the Slider/Puller/Stopper, it will be selected at once.
- Select Object: If you click the object to be selected once more in the state of selecting all objects, only the object is selected.
- Select part of an object: If the object is divided into two or more meshes, click once more with the object selected to select only that part.
I did not understand the meaning of " Diffuse Map ". You can explain more about it.
What if we do not want the stopper? As many times stoppers are not visible or people use roll chain zippers cut to length with no stopper. I cannot seam to figure out a way to delete the stopper only.