Save the 3D Garment, 2D Pattern, Avatar Size (ver 5.2), Colorway, Print Layout, and Comment contents together in a *.zpac file format. Save the Garment to the user’s computer, or open and edit a saved Garment file.
Open Garment
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Open ▶ Garment
Add Garment
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Add ▶ Garment
Save Garment
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Save As ▶ Garment
Open/Save Garment
- Select the menu indicated in Location.
→ The File Explorer appears. - Select the desired file to open or set the saving path.
※ Note:- Garment files (*.zpac) and Project files (*.zprj) can be opened by double-clicking them or dragging and dropping them onto the 3D window.
- Open AutoSave File
If the program is closed abnormally while a Garment is being worked on, a pop-up window saying “Autosave file exists, do you want to recover the autosave file?” appears when the program runs again. Click Yes to load the autosave file or click No to refrain from loading the autosave file. (Project File (*.zprj) is auto-saved from ver3.1.0.)
Add Garment
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Add ▶ Garment - Select a Garment file and click Open.
→ The Add Garment window appears (ver2.4.0) - Select the appropriate settings and click OK to place the Garment
※ Note:- A Garment can be added by right clicking on the Library's Garment file and using the Add to Workplace menu.
- Add Garment Settings
Placement long the X axis, relative to the center of the 3D Window. Y
Placement long the Y axis, relative to the center of the 3D Window. Z Placement long the Z axis, relative to the center of the 3D Window. Unit Unit for placement.
How to remove zpac garment file on my clo screen?