Set arrangement property details once arranging patterns with Arrangement Points.
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move ▶ Select 3D Pattern ▶ Property Editor ▶ Arrangement
※ Note: The arrangement properties are only accessible to Patterns that are arranged by Arrangement Points.
- Arrange Pattern with Arrangement Points
- Follow the indicated guideline:
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move ▶ Select 3D Pattern ▶ Property Editor ▶ Arrangement
Point Name Shows which arrangement point the selected pattern is on top of. Shape Style Changes the arrangement bounding volume pattern to be flat of curved. Position X Moves horizontally according to the arrangement bounding volume. Position Y Moves vertically according to the arrangement bounding volume. Offset Adjusts the offset and curvature between the arrangement bounding volume and the pattern. Orientation Changes the pattern's direction according to the arrangement bounding volume.