Fasten or unfasten buttons to style the Garment as desired.
Main Menu ▶ Materials ▶ Button ▶ Fasten Button
3D Toolbar ▶ Fasten Button
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ Materials ▶ Button ▶ Fasten Button
3D Toolbar ▶Fasten Button
- Click on a button, then click on its corresponding buttonhole in either the 2D or 3D environment, then continue on to the remaining buttons and buttonholes.
→ The buttons move above the buttonholes.
→ Lock icons next to the 3D buttons and buttonholes appear (ver2.5.0).
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ Materials ▶ Button ▶ Fasten Button
3D Toolbar ▶Fasten Button
- Click on fastened buttons and buttonholes in either the 2D or 3D environment.
→ Buttons are now unfastened and return to their previous location.
→ Lock icons next to the 3D buttons and buttonholes disappear (ver2.5.0).
※ Note:
- To fasten multiple buttons and buttonholes at once, click and drag in the 2D window to select all buttons to be fastened, then click the first buttonhole to be paired with the buttons (ver4.0.0).
- To unlock multiple buttons and buttonholes, click and drag on all fastened buttons and buttonholes.
- Fastened buttons and buttonholes can now be moved (ver4.0.0).