Enhance or lower the resolution of Garments. Use this function to enhance the Garment completion in order to emphasize reality and higher quality of a Garment and on the other hand, reduce it for faster adjustments.
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶Hi-Res Garment / Low-Res Garment
3D Toolbar ▶ Hi-Res Garment /
Low-Res Garment
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶Hi-Res Garment / Low-Res Garment
3D Toolbar ▶Hi-Res Garment /
Low-Res Garment
→ Hi/Low-Res Properties window appears. - Adjust the value for each item.
Garment Particle Distance Sets the Particle Distance value applying to all Patterns.
- Hi-Res Garment default value: 5mm
- Low-Res Garment default value: 20mmTolerance Applies only for Patterns within the range of application of Particle Distance.
The default tolerance value is between 5mm ~ 20mm, and any Pattern within the range set above is going to be applied.※ Note: This is provided to maintain the particle distance value of small patterns below 5mm for more stable simulation. Being mindful of the tolerance can avoid unintentional changes to these patterns.
Add'l Thickness - Collision Sets the collision thickness value applying to all patterns.
- Hi-Res Garment default value: 1mm
- Low-Res Garment default value: 2.5mmTolerance Any Pattern within the range set above is going to be applied. Avatar Skin Offset Sets the skin offset value applying to avatar.
- Hi-Res Garment default value: 0mm
- Low-Res Garment default value: 3mmTolerance Any Avatar within the range set above is going to be applied. Simulation Simulation Quality Sets the simulation quality as Complete or Normal.
- Hi-Res Garment default value: Complete- Low-Res Garment default value: Normal
※ Note: Set the simulation quality on Complete for material properties generated in Emulator Mode to result the most accurate simulation. However it may slow down the simulation speed therefore it is recommended to apply this setting when enhancing the garment completion.
Check On/Off Menus Toggle option whether to apply on Garment, Avatar, Simulation settings. - Click OK button.
→ The adjustments are now being applied. - Activate the Simulation.
→ The adjustments are now being applied to Garment Simulation.
what is particle distance in hi res garment setting? what difference does it make?