Rotate Patterns and Internal Shapes/Lines based on various references.
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern / Edit Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶ Transform Pattern /
Edit Pattern
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern / Edit Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶Transform Pattern /
Edit Pattern
- Select the Pattern or Internal Shapes/ Lines or Baselines to be rotated.
→ The marquee box appears around the selected item. - Click and drag the rotate point on top of the marquee box.
→ The selected item rotates towards the mouse.
※ Note:
- While clicking and dragging the Pattern, Internal Shapes/Lines, or Baselines, right click to access the Rotate window.
Type in the desired angle, then click OK. The selected item rotates based on the entered value (ver3.2.0).
- While clicking and dragging the Pattern, Internal Shapes/Lines, or Baselines, right click to access the Rotate window.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern / Edit Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶Transform Pattern /
Edit Pattern
- Click on the Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines to be rotated. Then, right click to access the pop-up menu.
- When the pop-up menu appears, select Clockwise (45º) or Clockwise (90º) or Counterclockwise (45º) or Counterclockwise (90º)
→ The selected pattern rotates according to the chosen options.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern / Edit Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶Transform Pattern /
Edit Pattern
- Click on the Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines to be rotated. Then, right click to access the pop-up menu.
- When the pop-up menu appears, select X-Axis or Y-Axis.
- Select the line of a Pattern which should be rotated to the chosen axis.
→ The selected Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines are rotated to X-Axis or Y-Axis on the basis of the selected line.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern / Edit Pattern
2D Toolbar ▶Transform Pattern /
Edit Pattern
- Click on the Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines to be rotated. Then, right click to access the pop-up menu.
- When the pop-up menu appears, select Parallel to...
- Select the line of any Patterns or Internal Lines/Shapes in the 2D window which the previously selected Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines are rotated to. This line acts as a fiducial line.
→ The selected line turns red. - Then, select the line of the rotating Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines that will rotate parallel to the fiducial line selected above.
→ The Pattern or Internal Shapes/Lines rotates parallel to the fiducial line.
What about pivoting around a specific point?