3D Window is a 3D area where it is possible to simulate garments and move avatars to create animations.
Starting from ver 5.2, high-quality render is offered in the 3D window.
※ Note: It is recommended to turn On/Off the Quality Render option as needed since it is slower than the regular render.
Show/ Hide 3D Window
Main Menu ▶ Display ▶ Windows ▶ 3D Garment Window
Quality Render (3D Window)
Main Menu ▶ Render ▶ Quality Render (3D Window)
Icon in the 3D Window ▶ Quality Render (3D Window)
- Select the menu/tool indicated in Location.
→ The render quality of the 3D Window is improved.
No graphics being exported while taking snapshot in this mood! Please guide what to do. But File saved in Previous version are working fine.
Currently experiencing the same issue. Please update, if there is a solution.