Clone as Pattern (with Sewing)
Duplicate an Internal Shape as an identical shaped Pattern or vice-versa.
Follow the indicated guideline below:
2D Toolbar ▶ Transform Pattern (A)
Right click on the Internal Shape to be duplicated as a Pattern to access the pop-up menu. Then, select Clone as Pattern.
→The duplicated Pattern follows along the mouse cursor.
- Click on the 2D window to place the Pattern.
Clone as Pattern (with Sewing) (ver 7.3)
Follow the indicated guideline below:
2D Toolbar ▶Edit Pattern (Z)
Click the Pattern to be duplicated and the connecting segment to be automatically sewn. Then, right-click ▶ click the Clone as Pattern (with Sewing).
→ It is duplicated in a pattern connecting the start/end points of the selected segment.
→ The duplicated pattern follows along the mouse cursor.
Click on the desired Pattern to place the Internal Shape.
→ It is duplicated with the selected internal line automatically sewn.
※ Note: When the internal shape is selected and clone as a pattern (with Sewing), the entire pattern is sewn.