Trace as Internal Lines/Shapes
Trace as Point of Measure(POM) (ver 6.0)
Use the Trace function to convert lines/shapes/area/guidelines (ver5.0.0) to Patterns.
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Trace
2D Toolbar ▶ Trace
- Select the tool/menu indicated in Location
- Select the Baselines to be traced.
- Right click on the selected Baselines to access the pop-up menu.
→The right click pop-up menu appears. - Select Trace as a Pattern.
→The selected Baselines are traced as a Pattern.
- Select the tool/menu indicated in Location
- Select the Baselines to be traced.
- Right click on the selected Baselines to access the pop-up menu.
→The right click pop-up menu appears. - Select Trace as an Internal Shape.
→When the selected lines are intersected, the intersection is joined and the lines are traced as one shape.
- Select the tool/menu indicated in Location
- Select the Baselines to be traced.
- Right click on the selected Baselines to access the pop-up menu.
→The right click pop-up menu appears.
Select Trace as Internal Lines/Shapes.
→The selected lines are traced as they are.
Trace as POM (ver 6.0)
- Select the tool/menu indicated in Location
- Select the Baselines, Internal Lines or Outlines to be traced.
- Right-click on the selected lines to access the pop-up menu.
→The right-click pop-up menu appears.
- Select Trace as Point of Measure
→ The selected line is traced as POM.
→ When more than two segments of different patterns are clicked, they are traced as a group POM.
At this time, the connected points are randomly designated.
- To easily select a closed shape, double click on the Internal Line.
- Click and drag to select multiple Internal Lines at once. All Internal Lines within the marquee box are selected.
- Occasionally, Internal Lines may not be connected precisely when dxf files are imported into CLO from other 2D CAD programs. If the selected lines are less than 0.5mm apart, they are traced as a closed shape as they are recognized as adjacent lines. However, on the other hand, if the selected lines are more than 0.5mm apart, they are traced as individual Internal Lines as they are recognized as separate lines.
Hi Erica, followed the steps above for v6.0 but am receiving the error message "Points are too close together. Please move or delete a point" when I try to trace my 2D pattern draft as a pattern outline. I created the pattern draft in CLO from the start, beginning with a rectangle and adding internal lines to create the final pattern shape. I want to extract those internal lines as a my pattern outline.
Hi Erica, followed the steps above for v6.0 but am receiving the error message "Points are too close together. Please move or delete a point" when I try to trace my 2D pattern draft as a pattern outline. I created the pattern draft in CLO from the start, beginning with a rectangle and adding internal lines to create the final pattern shape. I want to extract those internal lines as a my pattern outline.